Friday, February 16, 2007


There is a new movie about to be released documenting the life of William Wilberforce who spent the majority of his life fighting in English Parliament to end the British slave trade. While laying on his death bed after nearly 50 years of fighting for the abolition of slavery, his parliamentary bill was passed ending the slave trade and freeing all slaves in the British Empire. He died three days later.

He is one of my heroes.

America soon followed in abolishing slavery. However, it cost us the lives of 600,000 men--the bloodiest war we have ever fought. It's no doubt that the cost of freedom is great.

And that is how slavery ended. All people are created equal and because of it, no one will every taste slavery again.... If only that were the case.

I doubt it is a surprise to you that slavery still exists. You have probably heard about sex slaves and child slaves among the many. But I was shocked to hear there are about 27 million slaves right now. That is disturbing and disgusting.

It is time for action. May we follow William Wilberforce's example of commitment to justice for all, so that by God's grace we may forgo another war.

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Amazing grace how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found
was blind but now I see.