Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Christmas note

"One reason that faith is the way God saves us is that faith gives glory to God. That is, faith calls attention to and magnifies the glory of God. Faith puts us in the position of weak and dependent and puts God in the position of strong and independent and merciful. I'm the needy one, He's the rich one. I'm the foolish one, He's the wise one. I'm the hungry one, He's got the bread. I'm the thirsty one, He's got the water. Faith is empty. And He is full--that's why He did it this way! It's the best news in all the world that we only need to be empty to be saved. You just have to admit it and marvel---just fall down. Can anyone fall down? Who cannot fall down? Who cannot be weak? Who cannot be empty?It is not hard to be saved. Unless, you want to be God: Full, strong, self-sufficient. Oh, the way of salvation through faith by grace is so beautiful if you are willing to let God be God." ~John Piper

How simply marvelous is this news. And this is what I celebrate, not family, friends, or food; not kindness, goodness, or even love. But that I only know these things because of His grace, and how much greater do I know them when I am empty and when this world fails to captivate my heart and yearnings. Oh that we might be delivered from the deep craving of materialism that has sadly become so inherent with Christmas, distracting our hearts and robbing our faith from its fullness in Christ. Have a merry Christmas because Christ so loves and fills the empty.

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