Friday, December 08, 2006

Off to Belize

I'm sitting in a small cafe on the east coast of Guatemala, relaxing with some friends and preparing to hop onto a big catamaran sailboat to cruise out to the Belize coral reef for the next week. This is my present for finishing school strong and I think it's a great idea. Hopefully, it will be a time of relaxation as I read a book or two, enjoy the company of friends, and snorkel and scuba dive with sharks. And to those who Nathan Mesaros, he says hi from Belize as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely done little brother! I hope your time with the fishes goes well. We are excited for your arrival at the Ranheim Hilton where our newest guest, and your nephew/niece is about to formally check in. Just remember, as the old nowegian proverb states, "if your neck is not oily and you swim with large fish you may smell like a fiskebolle". Uffda and dontchaknow! See you soon.